We think for you…
We want to make our selling service komplex ...
We want to make our selling service komplex and accord you an advantage be there where will be your congruence tomorow.
All our products are developed, produced and filled in Germany. We are wholesale with komplex B2B service – logistic, labeling and CPNP notofication.
All our products are „unlabelling“, so you can provide new own brand.
Nariadenie Europskeho parlamentu a rady (ES) 1223/2019:
„Na trh môžu byť uvedené iba výrobky, ku ktorým je určená právnická alebo fyzická osoba v Spoločenstve ako „zodpovedná osoba“.
Nasim klinetom poskytujeme moznost byt zodpovednou osobou alebo distributorom.
V pripade, ze nas oznacite ako zodpovednu osobu na etikete Vasho vyrobku (po predchadzajucom suhlase oboma stranami) a vy budete vystupovat v spolocenstve EU ako distributor zodpovedame za uvedeny vyrobok v ramci Nariadenia ES 1223/2009 a poskytneme Vam vsetky potrebne dokumeny (PID, MSDS, predlohy na etikety daneho vyrobku, CPNP registraciu)
Pomoc a konzultacie Vam vieme poskytnut aj v pripade, ze chcete v spolocenstve vystupovat ako zodpovedna osoba.
Our team is fully at your disposal and ready to give you professional advice in the following areas:
Products - select, user manual, new trends
Logistics - choose the best option for product delivery
Legulatory - product registration, labels
For clients outside the EU, preparation of customs documents for the shipment.
Delivering our products at discounted shipping rates and delivering speed is one of our priorities.
Would you like arrange to pick up your order yourself?
Any problem, we´ll be prepare all documents and the entire order for a pre-agreed date.